We need your support

We need your support!

To advance our mission of scrutinising the European Union, in particular its foreign policy, and of promoting transparency of EU decision-making, we need your support.

You can donate to EU Watch via different channels:


1. By giving to the Friends of EU Watch Fund

The Fund is managed by the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) and is independent of EU Watch. Donations of more than €40 are eligible for a 45% tax break in Belgium (art. 145/33 CIR). The KBF will issue donors with a tax certificate, subject to the conditions outlined on the Foundation’s website.

Donations to the EU Watch Fund can be made using the link below:


2. By making a bank transfer

ING Belgium
IBAN : BE43 3632 0387 0701
Communication: Donation to EU Watch


3. By making a online donation via Stripe

Just click on the button below which will lead you to a dedicated donation page.

In case you have any questions or you need assistance please email us on [email protected]

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You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the newsletter. Find out more in our privacy policy

The 'EU Matters' Podcast

The EU Matters Podcast COVER square (1400 × 1400 px)

EU Watch has launched the “EU Matters” podcast. With this new format, we want to shed some light on subjects that are of importance to citizens and Brussels decision-makers alike.

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