L’Occident sanctionne la Chine pour son traitement des Ouïgours, Pékin riposte

L’Occident sanctionne la Chine pour son traitement des Ouïgours, Pékin riposte

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Has Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan duped the European Union? Read More

Free speech under attack? Regulating online content in Europe and beyond

Free speech under attack? Regulating online content in Europe and beyond

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Brussels gets tough with Warsaw over judiciary law

Brussels gets tough with Warsaw over judiciary law

After pressure from the Parliament, the European Commission is taking legal action against Poland Read

Bruxelles durcit le pas avec Varsovie sur le droit judiciaire

Bruxelles durcit le pas avec Varsovie sur le droit judiciaire

Sous la pression du Parlement, la Commission européenne prend des mesures judiciaires contre la Pologne

Brüssel wird hart mit Warschau wegen Justizrecht

Brüssel wird hart mit Warschau wegen Justizrecht

Auf Druck des Parlaments ergreift die Europäische Kommission rechtliche Schritte gegen Polen Read More

West sanctions China over Uyghur treatment, Beijing hits back

West sanctions China over Uyghur treatment, Beijing hits back

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Europe-wide “passport” for those vaccinated to be issued by June

Europe-wide “passport” for those vaccinated to be issued by June

The European Commission has proposed the creation of a “digital green certificate” to allow free

Five years on: Europe’s controversial migration deal with Turkey

Five years on: Europe’s controversial migration deal with Turkey

In March 2016, Brussels and Ankara struck an agreement on the return of migrants in

Survey: EU’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic

Survey: EU’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic

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